After every anniversary there comes the time for evaluation and the searching for a new starting points towards the next great challenge. Last September, “Night / Plovdiv” blew out its 10 birthday candles. This was with the utmost gratitude toward the thousands of inspiring participants, partners and volunteers who throughout the years have woven their strong threads into the identity of the festival. And because you can’t celebrate a birthday without making a wish, we’ve made a promise from now on to explore even more – ourselves, the others, that which is new and that which has been well forgotten within the arts, the unexpected branchings of culture in our everyday life, the impact of modern technologies and their multimedia perspectives with which nowadays we freely operate even in the fields of our intimate relationships and private emotions. Does all of this sound to you like a hell of an ambitious promise? Well, actually – it’s not! That is just a small fraction of the program of this year’s “Night / Plovdiv“ 2015.
Following the tradition of previous years, Open Arts Foundation, main organizer of Night / Plovdiv“, has divided the events on two consecutive days – 11 and 12 September, and into three sections – Museums & Galleries, Culture & Club, and The City and Public Spaces. Two other focal points in the program this year are the Curatorial Program and the Kids Program. This 11th edition of “Night / Plovdiv“ will also include international projects, created exclusively for the festival and made by participants from USA, Austria, Israel, The Czech Republic, France, Japan and Italy. The number of the locations, where all the exhibitions, installations, concerts, presentations and visual performances that will be held, are over 70 and the overall amount of the events which will be realized in Night / Plovdiv“ 2015 is around 100.
The diversity of genres, encompassing the forthcoming edition of the festival, will make for a tough choice for the public. That’s why this year one important innovation will be implemented – themed guided tours, dedicated to the different sections of the program which will start in front of the Green Info-Punkt. The Green Info-Punkt itself is another brand new and key initiative from the “Night” program. What makes it so special is that it will be constructed and built in accordance with modern trends in sustainable architecture. The realization of this project will begin after the end of the competition, organized by Open Arts Foundation in partnership with EVN Bulgaria and Triple Green Building Group. And because you should always save the best for last – here we are putting an end to giving away of any more secrets from the kitchen of “Night / Plovdiv“ 2015.
We will allow ourselves to share with you just a few more teasers from the program:
- Can you create installations from rituals, superstitious, alchemy and magic?
- Is it possible to have the cohabitation in open space between street graffiti art and the classical sophistication of the opera arias?
- How much economy is hidden behind some of the most popular and beloved movies, songs, book and comic characters?
- Will you dare to play a game of chess against the arts? Or to sit in an electric chair in search of redemption?
- How can a war conflict influence the evolution of samples and music in a particular region in the world?
We encourage you to keep reading our blog and to check our facebook page regularly, where soon you will be able to find more details and information about the participants of “Night / Plovdiv “ 2015